Visiting Group Registration Form

Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church is a worshipping, witnessing and welcoming congregation committed to a spirit of excellence in the praise of the Almighty God through Jesus Christ. We sincerely thank you for your interest in worshipping with us and for giving us advance notice of your group visit. To request reserved seating and recognition of your group during our worship service please submit the following form at least two weeks prior to your scheduled visit. Please note that this form is a request for information only and should not be considered as confirmation; you will be contacted via email and/or phone to receive confirmation.

Visiting Group Registration Form

Click here to fill out the form. ›

In order to facilitate an orderly worship experience, we request that your group:

  • Arrive 20 minutes prior to the scheduled worship service start time.
  • Be mindful that a Wheeler Avenue Worship service will normally run 90 minutes and they are encouraged and expected to stay through the Benediction.
  • Be mindful that once the worship service begins all unused seats will be released to the congregation and the Usher Ministry cannot make alternate seating accommodations.
  • Be mindful that because of time constraints in worship services there will not be an opportunity for a representative to address the congregation. However, the group will be recognized during the visitors welcome period.

If you have other questions or concerns, please contact:

Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
C/O Andrea Tucker
3826 Wheeler Avenue
Houston, Texas 77004

713-529-2705 (office)
713-748-7865 (fax) (email)