Matthew 25

Social Services Department

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Prayer & Praise

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Prayer Request

I am requesting prayer for a friend KP and his family dealing with the suicide of his 30 year old son. This was his mother’s only child and she is having a very difficult time. He left 3 children.
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18 people are praying

Carol Massey 3 weeks ago


Prayer Request

Prayer for lack of faith spiritual happiness and spiritual Protection
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8 people are praying

Andrew Pick one week ago


Prayer Request

Please pray for me and my family on the passing of my mother Yvonne Stokes. Thank you
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8 people are praying

Scherryl Jackson 2 weeks ago


Prayer Request

Prayer for Andrew and Nicole God to draw himself close to us and protection in our marriage also Happiness and God to remove people from our life that is causing us harm spiritual and physical and spe
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7 people are praying

Andrew and Nicole Pick one week ago


Praise Report

Thank you for praying for me. God answered! just as He said He would! I will continuously keep you ALL in my prayers and please keep praying for me. God cares. All Glory to our God in Christ Jesus!
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8 people are praising

Ayanna 3 weeks ago


Praise Report

Thank you church family for praying for Camryn as she competed at USA Olympic Trials. God gave her pace and she competed to the best of her ability. To God Be The Glory
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7 people are praising

Chancellor Dickson 3 weeks ago


Prayer Request

Asking for prayer as I have been given a gift of a kidney transplant My surgery is soon in July of this month & asking for prayer for me and my donor. Also asking for prayer for my husband Goodwille
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14 people are praying

Jacquelyn Pierre 2 weeks ago


Prayer Request

My 2 year relationship has ended. My heart is hurting and I have no one to turn to. I have chronic health issues and work issues. It's very overwhelming.
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2 people are praying

Emily 2 weeks ago


Prayer Request

I need prayer I haven't had a full-time job since September. I working 2 part-time with very little hours. my condo is under pending contract. continue to pray that everything goes well.
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3 people are praying

Yvette 3 weeks ago