Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church's domestic violence ministry is a compassionate support system dedicated to aiding individuals affected by domestic violence.
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church's domestic violence ministry is a compassionate support system dedicated to aiding individuals affected by domestic violence within the community. Through counseling, outreach programs, and educational initiatives, the ministry strives to create a safe space for healing and empowerment, fostering resilience and breaking the cycle of abuse.
The WABC Evangelism Ministry Avenue of HOPE. Our purpose is to know God and to make Him known by trusting, obeying, and sharing the redeeming love of His Son Jesus Christ. We strive to win souls and make disciples by carrying the Gospel "Good News" in obedience to the Great Commission; "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19-20.
The Girl Scout program builds girls of courage, confidence, and character - who make the world a better place!
The Girl Scout program at Wheeler Avenue engages girls from kindergarten through high school in an extraordinary journey to make the world a better place as they develop courage, confidence and character. To join a troop or to volunteer as a troop leader, please contact Karen Reese at kardor@rocketmail.com.
The WABC Transformation program is dedicated to supporting the girls of our church as they navigate life's changes.
The purpose of the Transformation Program is to lead young, adolescent females in development of respect for God, respect for elders of the church and community, commitment to wholesome and healthy personal development, and to guide them in developing esteem for family life. As such, the program seeks to teach: key Christian values, African American history, etiquette, career awareness, health, budgeting, and public speaking as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Transformation meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 8:45 am.
View ministry pageWomen who love God and seek to worship Him through song.
The Women of Wheeler are Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church's women's choir. Women are invited to join them for rehearsal on the Tuesday and Thursday prior to the 5th Sunday at 7:00pm.
The purpose of the Women’s Guild is to implement fundraising events for the church’s Educational Assistance Fund.
To minister to women in a safe and loving environment, build a close and authentic Sisterhood, encourage them to grow in their walk with God and others.
Every female member of Wheeler, 18 years & older, is automatically a part of the Women's Ministry.Mission: To minister to women in a safe and loving environment, build a close and authentic Sisterhood, encourage them to grow in their walk with God and others, help them to discover and flow in their God-given spiritual gifts, equip them for faithful service, and partner with God in His Work through Worship, Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Community Service.
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