WABC Holistic Health and Wealth Symposium 2025

January 22 - January 25

Event Details

Online registration begins soon. Please check this page for updates.

The WABC Holistic Health and Wealth Symposium January 2025 will provide an avenue for households interested in self-care to create health and wealth benchmark in January 2025 and measure improvements through the year with the tools presented at the holistic wellness fair. This is a multi-day event. During registration, please select panel discussions and breakout sessions; detailed descriptions of each are below. 

Childcare is available on Saturday, January 25th 9am to 2pm. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/243394574875068

Dates: January 22 - 6:00 pm (In-person), January 23 - 7:00 pm (VIRTUAL), January 24 - 6:00 pm (In-person),  January 25 - 7:30 am (In-person)

  Panel Discussions on Illness and Self-Care January 24 - 7:00 pm

  • Rising Rates of Cancers in Young Adults (Lung and colon cancers are increasing in young adults- cause and prevention) F. Blount, MD
  • Illness and Your Significant Others (Intimate Relationship when there is illness: Bonding and long life) 
  • Health and Spirituality (Your faith is directly correlated with longevity and wellness)
  • Chronic Illness and Family Finances (Maximizing dollars and resources before and during chronic disease states) Financial Peace

Breakout Sessions January 25 - 9:00 am

  • Dollars & Sense- A Practical Guide to Personal Finance and Budget. Financial Peace
  • The Price of Beauty: Beauty Products and Toxins (Expert Panelist will connect beauty merchandise to disease. Trichologist will be available for hair analysis) Kimberly Aitch
  • Maternal Health and Post-Partum Mortality Risks, follow up care, and measures to increase survival. J. Greely, MD
  • Why don't men go to the doctor? Tackle real-life issues surrounding men's mental health and whether men seek medical help. N. Higgins, PhD
  • Prostate Health and Prostrate Evidence based prostate care and your Biblical obligation to self-care. C. Ogletree, MD
  • Spiritual Discipline in the home: Principles to create a spiritual support network i. Singles ii. Couples iii. Families - Christian Education and Prayer Ministry
  • Social Media and Online Safety for Children
  • Marriage/Partner and Mental Health- Care for the Caregiver Rev. Burfitt

Breakout Sessions January 25 - 10:00 am

Women's Wellness and Hormonal Health

(Frank dialogue concerning women’s health, holistically discussed in a cozy setting) b. The menopausal-perimenopausal state: hormone replacements' risk/ benefits. c. Gen Y, Z- mental health care and incorporating AI & tech d. Pelvic organ disease: better detection and treatments e. The Annual Physical & New Screening recommendations. J. Greely, MD, B. Porche, MD

Men’s Holistic Health
(A no holds barred conversations that will be discussed only in-house)

-Men’s Functional Health and Chronic Disease

Renew organ function with bio-hormones

(Restore body function and capability with hormone replacement.)

Dr. R. Love

-Better health: plant-based diet to prevent disease

(Prevent diseases and reverse illnesses and the signs of aging by consuming plants.)

Dr. B. Montgomery

-HTN & vascular diseases affect all organs

(Best tests and best treatments for hypertension & vascular diseases.)

Dr. B.K. Ellis

-Mental checkups- let AI & new/old tech bolster Spiritual & Physical Wellness

(Mental health & spiritual health assessment: Is there a role for AI?)

Dr. N Higgins

Interactive Mini-workshops to Improve/ Extend Health, Wealth and Wellness  on January 25 - 11:00 am (Each workshop is scheduled for 20- 60 minutes)

20 minutes or less

-Gait and Aging: Fall Prevention- the 6 meter walk Dr. M Knox

(Recognize signs of gait change and the proper way to fall.) Space is limited please sign up in advance

-Immersive Sound Bath with Breathing/Meditation M. R. Woodard

Deep relaxation featuring resonating sound and breathing skills to allow deep meditation on God's Word

-Your Biological Age vs Your Chronological Age FACT & HW&R

The one-legged stand test &BMI/BRI

45 minutes

-The Long Reach of a Significant Other- Will your mate make you richer or poorer? Dr. L. Johnson

Create a power couple-finance/mind/body/spirit. Complete the screen to determine if you embody the ideals of a power mate

-Metabolic Monitoring and Better Health Exams

Can Multi-cancer detection (MCD) tests, whole body scans, genomic & metabolic tests improve your life

-Renew Your Strength- Prevent Burnout- Home, School, Work, Life Dr. R. Nero

-Spiritual Self-Care- a guide for the year Rev. D. Roberts

-Partial Adult ADHD- complete an online screening D. Evans, MD

Disorganization, poor grades, failed resolutions, impulse spending. Could Partial Adult ADHD be the cause? Hack your brain's executive function

60 minutes

-Workplace Benefits - Financial Peace

-Anger Management - Family Conflict Resolution Rev. Dr. B. Williams

-Wealth Creation - Financial Peace

Location Information

Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

3826 Wheeler Avenue Houston TX, 77004

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