Online registration begins soon. Please check this page for updates.
The WABC Holistic Health and Wealth Symposium January 2025 will provide an avenue for households interested in self-care to create health and wealth benchmark in January 2025 and measure improvements through the year with the tools presented at the holistic wellness fair. This is a multi-day event. During registration, please select panel discussions and breakout sessions; detailed descriptions of each are below.
Childcare is available on Saturday, January 25th 9am to 2pm. Register here:
Dates: January 22 - 6:00 pm (In-person), January 23 - 7:00 pm (VIRTUAL), January 24 - 6:00 pm (In-person), January 25 - 7:30 am (In-person)
Panel Discussions on Illness and Self-Care January 24 - 7:00 pm
Breakout Sessions January 25 - 9:00 am
Breakout Sessions January 25 - 10:00 am
Women's Wellness and Hormonal Health
(Frank dialogue concerning women’s health, holistically discussed in a cozy setting) b. The menopausal-perimenopausal state: hormone replacements' risk/ benefits. c. Gen Y, Z- mental health care and incorporating AI & tech d. Pelvic organ disease: better detection and treatments e. The Annual Physical & New Screening recommendations. J. Greely, MD, B. Porche, MD
Men’s Holistic Health
(A no holds barred conversations that will be discussed only in-house)
-Men’s Functional Health and Chronic Disease
Renew organ function with bio-hormones
(Restore body function and capability with hormone replacement.)
Dr. R. Love
-Better health: plant-based diet to prevent disease
(Prevent diseases and reverse illnesses and the signs of aging by consuming plants.)
Dr. B. Montgomery
-HTN & vascular diseases affect all organs
(Best tests and best treatments for hypertension & vascular diseases.)
Dr. B.K. Ellis
-Mental checkups- let AI & new/old tech bolster Spiritual & Physical Wellness
(Mental health & spiritual health assessment: Is there a role for AI?)
Dr. N Higgins
Interactive Mini-workshops to Improve/ Extend Health, Wealth and Wellness on January 25 - 11:00 am (Each workshop is scheduled for 20- 60 minutes)
20 minutes or less
-Gait and Aging: Fall Prevention- the 6 meter walk Dr. M Knox
(Recognize signs of gait change and the proper way to fall.) Space is limited please sign up in advance
-Immersive Sound Bath with Breathing/Meditation M. R. Woodard
Deep relaxation featuring resonating sound and breathing skills to allow deep meditation on God's Word
-Your Biological Age vs Your Chronological Age FACT & HW&R
The one-legged stand test &BMI/BRI
45 minutes
-The Long Reach of a Significant Other- Will your mate make you richer or poorer? Dr. L. Johnson
Create a power couple-finance/mind/body/spirit. Complete the screen to determine if you embody the ideals of a power mate
-Metabolic Monitoring and Better Health Exams
Can Multi-cancer detection (MCD) tests, whole body scans, genomic & metabolic tests improve your life
-Renew Your Strength- Prevent Burnout- Home, School, Work, Life Dr. R. Nero
-Spiritual Self-Care- a guide for the year Rev. D. Roberts
-Partial Adult ADHD- complete an online screening D. Evans, MD
Disorganization, poor grades, failed resolutions, impulse spending. Could Partial Adult ADHD be the cause? Hack your brain's executive function
60 minutes
-Workplace Benefits - Financial Peace
-Anger Management - Family Conflict Resolution Rev. Dr. B. Williams
-Wealth Creation - Financial Peace
3826 Wheeler Avenue Houston TX, 77004
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